Things are not normal, New Mexico, for any of us. When I moved to the beautiful city of Albuquerque the first week of March, my role was (and remains) to produce stories about the people and places of our state, showcasing some of what makes it such a wonderful place to live.
The problem, of course, is that I got to Albuquerque the first week of March, and days later, our world changed.

A Cat named Covid
I was going to be out shooting video, writing articles and interviewing people- personally, once the pandemic has passed, one of my first stops is going to be sampling the fantastic craft breweries I’ve heard so much about- since that isn’t currently advisable. Like all of you, my life has slowed down some, and I spend my mornings having coffee outside with a new friend I’ve nicknamed Covid the Cat.
For the first few days, he stared at me, sizing me up. On day 4, he trotted on over to say hello, and we’ve been friends since. I have to admit, having a new friend greet me each morning has been fun, and had things been normal, I likely never would have noticed him, let alone befriended him.
As we navigate this new reality, take some time in your world to slow down, if you can- you never know, you might make a new friend. Here then, is Covid the Cat. (As far as I can tell, he thinks the name is pretty fun).
We’re all going to make it together, New Mexico. Stay safe
Hey New Mexico! Do you have something new you’ve done before but now find yourself enjoying it? Let me know, I’d love to hear about it: [email protected]